Mission Statement: The Mission of Eucharistic Ministers is to serve as ministers of the Eucharist in the form of the Body and Blood of Christ.
History: The Vatican II gave permission to use Lay Ministers at Mass.
About: As part of our Liturgy of the Mass, Eucharistic Ministers serve the community of the Blessed Sacrament by assisting the Celebrant in distributing the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation at the celebrations of the Eucharist. As an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, commonly referred to as a Eucharistic Minister, lay peoples can serve the Catholic Church by distributing the Holy Communion during Mass and bringing it to the Homebound.
How to Join: There is a simple process that you must follow in order to become a Eucharistic minister:
1. Attend Training
2. Be properly dressed at Mass so you will be ready to serve when needed
3. Attend Periodic Refresh Training.
Click here to apply to be a Minister of Holy Communion today! Application are also available at the Parish Office.
If you would like more information about the Ministers of Holy Communion you can email us at [email protected] or fill out the form below.